Characters I Voice

Niru AFK Arena: Just Esperia Things

Menogias Genshin Impact

Helcurt Mobile Legends: Adventure

Tanner Scrutinized

Bucktooth Akedo Arcade Warriors

Hayato Genshin Impact

Fenris: Ink and Smoke Art of Conquest

Guard Full Dive RPG

Pickerel Starthistle Lost Legends of Redwall

Bo Ironshell Whalefall

Caboose Red vs. Blue

Wupei Genshin Impact

Onzo Summer in Mara

Roger Age of Apes

Svolkoroth Infinite Adventures

Salvator The Maestros

Qiping Genshin Impact

CODY Next Stop Nowhere

Shane Winds of Change

Soldier Dragon Goes House-Hunting

Brram Summer in Mara

Gus Death and Taxes

Dabiriu Assistant War Islands

Caboose Death Battle

Lil Cuz From Light

Brram Deiland

Ace Chaos Parade

Guangzhu Genshin Impact

Robert Albert the Cat

Jeff The Spellening

Roger Coffee With Honey

Ben Albert the Cat

Noho Summer in Mara

Finn Low-Key

Taka Summer in Mara

Pharaoh The Boardroom

Scotty Marching Pride of Cadence High

Red Monster Adobe Character Animator

Alpaca Joe Trojan Base Alpha

Yaney Knell of St. Godhrkar

Juu Pine

Evan Uneven Evan

Sharkman Mayhem Masters

Sergio's Scientist Reversion 3

Nobleman Everywhere and Nowhere

Hedley Manor of Concealment

Brock Powpacas

Talk Like a Pirate Day The Weeklings

April Fool's Day The Weeklings

Abdon Order of the Thorne

Dabiriu Sailor War Islands

Girty Knell of St. Godhrkar

Nightshroud Gloomhaven

Charlie the Human Charlie the Human

Vermlings Gloomhaven

Tull Adobe Character Animator

Sio Clarity in Qualia

Elder Order of the Thorne

Ringmaster Midnight Marinara

Granarr A Tale of Two Kingdoms

Ophidius Basil Cultists of Yig

Ophidius Basil Cultists of Hastur

Mr. Kimura Foxy and Wolfy Chaos

Boa-Boa The Harmony of Buku

Cain Luna's Underworld

Milo News Crews

Brain in a Jar Quest for Yrolg

Ghost Oceanspirit Danish

Panurge Tales


Cheese Merchant Tales

Russian Guard

Kip News Crew

Darco Alloy Warthogs

Jasper Nightmare Fishing Tournament